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Companies  Revolutionizing Consumer Research (1)
Habeab Kurdi9 min read

The 9 AI Companies Revolutionizing Consumer Research

The global revenue of the market research industry exceeded $81 billion in 2022, according to Statista, and it’s growing steadily — more than twofold since 2008 with projections over $90 billion in the near future. 

Consumer research, consumer insights, and consumer connections form a complex tapestry within the realm of strategies for understanding consumer behavior. Despite their crucial interconnection, diving into the vast oceans of information and data has often been quite costly.

Now, largely thanks to the mighty wrecking ball known as Generative AI, the dam has been burst. Canny consumer brands have unprecedented access to dynamic waves of information, actionable insights, and the ability to forecast both short and long-term trends.

Deeper consumer research is available faster and is more affordable, than at any other time in the past two decades. 


Market Map of Generative AI Tools for Consumer Research and Insights


Market Map of Generative AI Tools for Consumer Research and Insights

Let’s explore the companies that are truly transforming consumer research through their methods, and their capabilities to connect brands to audiences & industries on an unparalleled level.


Meet the Players


1. Native AI: GenAI for Insights

Agility in a dynamic market: Native.AI allows brands to align their needs with evolved, unique audience wants. Their excellent efficiency provides accurate insights that lead to deeper understanding of the target audience, on a macro and micro level. 


Native ai new dashboard


How Native is transforming consumer research:

  • Insights expedited: Swift & precise research cuts the insights process from 8 weeks to 3 hours, and extensive qualitative data is made into actionable recommendations

  • Evolving iteratively: Through regular market scans, Native.AI stays updated, integrating robust, unbiased data sources to enhance insight quality & reliability

  • Next-level transparency: Native.AI enables users to trace recommendations back to their actual source(s), establishing a unique level of transparency in Generative AI

  • Simple configurability: Brands can home in on specific audiences and personas, or base it on their own data, offering targeted, accurate and less biased insights

Native AI Insights DashboardSource:


2. TREND GODAI Tool For Trends & Innovation Research

Making marketing forecasts clearer via AI: TREND GOD is an avant-garde AI companion designed by PSFK that positions itself as a gateway to real-time innovation and emerging trends amidst a fast pace that keeps getting faster. 

TrendGod image

Image source: Trend God

Why TREND GOD can forecast faster & more accurately: 

  • Dynamic intelligence portal: TREND GOD's constantly evolving portal delivers trends, insights & futures data with hourly updated, supercharged AI analytics

  • Voluminous bespoke reports: Forward-thinking strategies come in the form of instant innovation reports with actionable recommendations from industry forecasts

  • Trend chat: Connect seamlessly with TREND GOD's proprietary, AI-trained LLM database through a trend chat interface. Modern marketers can explore topics with enhanced clarity & precision into the specifics of trends

  • Comprehensive collection: TREND GOD's report library is a treasure trove for professionals seeking a panoramic view of emerging trends, with the bonus of their newsletter that delivers 40+ distinct topical alerts based on AI-curated analyses


3. AnswerRocket: AI-Powered Analytics

Elevating analytics with AI precision: This advanced GenAI analytics platform transforms raw data into actionable insights at the speed of thought. Worldwide clients such as Nestlé, General Mills, and Anheuser-Busch InBev have successfully used AnswerRocket’s model that utilizes GPT-4 language to revolutionize consumer goods intelligence discovery.

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How AnswerRocket is accelerating consumer analytics:

  • Swift intelligence: AnswerRocket's AI engine analyzes vast data, delivering instant insights, analyzation & even visualization to a new level of adaptability & agility

  • RocketBots automation: Automate routine analysis, workflows & data stories with RocketBots for optimal efficiency & clearer data story compositions. Run them on demand or regularly scheduled, or even when new data is available

  • Accessible natural language interface: AnswerRocket bridges the void between advanced analytics & user experience through its natural language interface so brands can democratize data science & ensure insights reach every team member

  • Maximize insights with Max: Max is AnswerRocket’s AI chat copilot. Users can engage in dynamic business conversations powered by GPT-4 to get analytical, understandable insights on metric changes & troubleshooting for agile decision-making

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4. TastewiseConcierge Research Analyst

A food & beverage personal research assistant: With faster access to insights and client-ready reports in no time, Tastewise & its proprietary TasteGPT gives brands, such as Kroger, Cambell’s & Del Monte, a clear pathway to executing more projects at once, without sacrificing quality.

Source: Tastewise


How Tastewise is transforming analytic capabilities: 

  • Speed without sacrifice: Tastewise accelerates insights to enable decision-making by 10x, opening wider access to relevant market responsiveness for food & beverage businesses

  • Effortless ready reports: In less than a minute, their TasteGPT to interpret input & create comprehensive client-ready reports on things like flavor recommendations & AI-generated images

  • Amplified innovation projects: Tastewise boosts trend exploration of consumers’ top needs & wants. They claim to facilitate 20x more innovation projects using the largest available food & beverage data set around

  • Tailored on demand: Consumer brands can explore trending ingredients & popular recipes effortlessly to gain instant, AI-driven analytics without doing heavy lifting



5. NextAtlasGenerative Trend Forecasting

The world’s 1st AI-trend forecaster: Fueled by early adopters & unique AI, NextAtlas stands as a beacon for trend prediction that transcends conventional boundaries. Their access & accelerated capabilities are possible because they’ve stayed at the cutting-edge forefront since launching in 2012. 


How NextAtlas harnesses early-adopter advantages

  • Community-powered analysis: Brands can tap into NextAtlas’s community of 300K+ industry-specific innovators for products to get AI-driven strategies and collective intelligence reports to resonate with tomorrow's consumers
  • Certified early adopters pool: NextAtlas rifles through millions of social posts to identify relevant, quality early adopters to connect to brands, filtering out the noise for authentic, relevant trend insights
  • Generate with generations: Generate is NextAtlas's AI chat for real-time, precise trend queries without data overload. It is constantly updated and offers highly customized output built on its work with a whole generation of consumer & market information
  • Advanced accuracy: NextAtlas uses advanced algorithms & machine learning to continuously analyze social media data for accurate trend analysis, identifying patterns & relationships that are constantly updated


6. Marvin: AI Research Repository

Elevated cloud-based consumer research: Specializing in qualitative research, Marvin simplifies the complex realms of user understanding, UX design & product management in a centralized repository as a cloud-based customer feedback & product platform. 



Source: HeyMarvin

What makes Marvin an AI-powered catalyst for teamwork:

  • Intelligent user interview management: Aiming to help build user-centric cultures, their streamlined participant recruitment & panel management paves the path for extremely proficient, effective research with time-stamped notes

  • Centralized AI-Enhanced repository: Marvin's hub ensures easy access to transcriptions, notes & insights to better enhance team collaboration

  • Universal accessibility: Their organized repository is designed for universal team access, democratizing user insights & saving time with distilled findings to consolidate information & sharing. And it’s available in 40+ language transcriptions 

  • Streamlined research journey: From participant recruitment to feedback analysis, Marvin helps target the right people in an integrated platform, connecting seamlessly with Google, Microsoft, Miro, Figma & more.

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Image source: HeyMarvin


7. YabbleAI Driven Consumer Insights

Instant insights for revolutionary understanding: Yabble is an AI-driven consumer insights platform built to share knowledge with brands, and help them share it internally as well. They’re redefining the world of insights with instant, actionable results thanks to custom algorithms & OpenAI's GPT neural network to provide leading AI solutions for every research stage.

Yabble AI Driven Consumer Insights

Image source:

How Yabble boosts audience understanding:

  • Linking knowledge: Yabble offers secure, automated AI solutions throughout the research process, utilizing custom-built algorithms & world-class LLMs with 50,000+ hours of training to analyze data extremely fast

  • Virtual audiences innovation: Yabble's Virtual Audiences reshape insights creation, eliminating the need for traditional fieldwork. Dive straight into transformative knowledge creation & sharing in minutes

  • Next-gen AI ecosystem: Yabble's suite of AI solutions provides deeper, more insightful answers in a short time. From data creation to analysis & conversations with your data, Yabble summarizes long-form data for key insights, too

  • Cutting-edge technology: Founded in 2017, Yabble revolutionized insights with a first-of-its-kind AI ecosystem aiming to provide answers to everything

Yabble ai tool


8. StravitoSupercharged GenAI Search

Instant and transparent market research: Designed for instant, transparent answers & efficient knowledge management. With a focus on democratizing access to market research & insights, Stravito features game-changing access and empowerment to decision-making for global organizations like Danone, Electrolux & Comcast.


Why Stravito is a game changer for market research:

  • Conversational queries: Users can ask full questions in everyday language & get short, natural language answers synthesized from proprietary sources
  • Secure & stable: The platform draws exclusively from each client's internally-owned data, ensuring intellectual property protection unlike open AI apps that pull from the public domain
  • Transparent fact-checking: Instant, transparent answers come complete with direct links to sources, facilitating easy fact-checking & boosting credibility
  • Contextualized insights:  You can stay surface level or dive deeper into AI-generated follow-up questions that can guide deeper exploration, all while maintaining a closed system for accurate answers exclusively from client-owned research materials

Stravito desktop


9. Zappi: GenAI Insights Assistant

Redefining the venture building process: Zappi enables users to gain a true understanding of consumers to accelerate innovation & optimize products + ads prelaunch, it’s trusted by FMCG giants like PepsiCo, McDonald’s & Heineken.

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Image source: Zappi

How Zappi accelerates innovation

  • Fast & cost-efficient: Zappi streamlines the pre-product stage by delivering human surveys, tapping into respondent networks & utilizing its 1.2 billion data points

  • Agile ad development: Zappi's suite of solutions goes beyond pre-tests, offering a connected system validated for in-market outcomes & innovation iterations based on rich consumer feedback for effective ad development & product launches

  • Smart research design: Cocreated with leading brands, Zappi provides strategic direction for launches & incremental growth with tailored methods, custom questions, & real-time data analysis for marketing agility

  • Knowledge building over time: Zappi's innovative platform builds knowledge over time with a continuous learning loop so brands become smarter, insights teams have more impact & campaigns + innovations launch successfully


Transformative Touchpoints for Your Consumer Research Strategy 


Major Use Cases for GenAI in Research & Insights

Source: Pilot44

Innovation leaders can now revolutionize their own approach to consumer research to achieve accelerated insights and never-before accessible audience understanding. 

The impact of these AI tools can launch brands from new starting points to full-fledged strategies and action faster than any previous point in time, also empowering innovations & faster iterations across a company’s dynamic venture-building process. 

Want a personalized partnership to help harness the full potential of these transformative tools and optimize your venture-building strategies? We thrive on teamwork and provide precision methodology, tailored research and guidance, empowering nimble navigation of the dynamic landscape where venture building and consumer research intersect.

Let's co-create the future of your ventures together!

Contact Us


Habeab Kurdi

Senior Innovation Writer harnessing strategic research, creativity & insights from across the company & world at-large. A storyteller at heart, he's been immersed in the world of words & research for 20+ years as a journalist, managing editor, marketing content creator, academic researcher, social media manager & much more. Habeab strives to blend tangible insights & symbiotic strategy into digestible information that enhances learning & innovation.