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Quick Start Guide

Driving Innovation and Growth Outcomes with Strategic Foresight​

Learn how to future-proof your brand by anticipating and actively preparing for market shifts and emerging trends. 

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What's inside

To drive new growth, brands must look beyond the current market and consumer trends to the major shifts on the horizon and beyond. traditional consumer research and brand strategy methods work well for incremental innovation but are insufficient when it comes to driving broader growth strategies and disruptive innovation.

Strategic Foresight bridges this gap and enables you to:

✔️ Anticipate market shifts and spot opportunities early
✔️ Identify and manage risks before they become critical
✔️ Surface and activate on new opportunities for innovation and growth
✔️ Enhance strategic planning and decision-making​

Our quick start guide offers a foundational understanding of Strategic Foresight methodology
and how to apply it in your business to drive new growth.

How to use Strategic Foresight

Learn how to apply Strategic Foresight to identify opportunities and manage risks in your business
Step-by-step methodology
Understand the complete 6-step process, from signal scanning to
scenario planning

Foresight report example
See a detailed foresight report from a real-life case study, illustrating the practical use of this methodology

What is Strategic Foresight anyway?


A systematic exploration of potential futures to inform decision-making today

Strategic Foresight is a systematic approach to evaluating plausible future scenarios, and the resulting opportunities and implications for your business to inform better decision-making today.

By identifying emerging trends, exploring possible scenarios, and developing flexible strategies, large organizations are equipped to drive better innovation decisions and actionable strategies to manage risk, accelerate innovation, and drive new growth.

In a rapidly changing business environment, Strategic Foresight provides a competitive edge, helping brands to not only adapt but thrive in the face of change.


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